247 Bailbonds

Bail Exoneration

Bail Bond Exonerated. What does it mean in Nevada?

Bail exoneration is merely the termination of bail obligation and refers to the procedure where the defendant gets their bail back. When a criminal case is resolved, the depositor is relieved of their obligation. After bail exoneration, a Las Vegas bail bond agency is not responsible for the individual’s bail.

Traditionally, bail is a form of property — including cash — deposited with a court to ensure a suspect appears for trial. The deposit is made with the understanding that the arrestee will show up for trial or forfeit the bail.

To avoid getting arrested for non-payment of the bond, make sure your defense attorney gets the bond “exonerated” quickly. When the bond is exonerated, it no longer exists. Often, the court won’t’ exonerate the bond until the charges have been dismissed or the defendant sentenced.

The judge may rescind the bail if the accused:

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Exoneration happens when a criminal conviction is settled, unless within demonstration of innocence, a fault in the conviction or something else. The criminal law uses the word “exoneration” to show a surety bail bond has been accomplished or completed. When the court orders the bail exonerated, the clerk of court marks the initial bail bond and reflects the court’s order mandating its exoneration.

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